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T&R Group’s Support for Ukraine’s Energy Infrastructure 🤝🌍

T&R Group’s support for Ukraine’s Energy Infrastructure marked a significant and heart warming milestone that filled us with immense pride and joy. We were honoured to welcome representatives from British Ukrainian Aid as we took a meaningful step to support the ongoing war effort in Ukraine.

Our dedicated teams at Transformers and Rectifiers Ltd and T&R Test Equipment Ltd synergized their efforts to create a comprehensive aid package focused on aiding the maintenance and repair of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. This carefully assembled package, filled with care and consideration, embarked on its journey earlier today, symbolizing the start of a mission to support the resilient people of Ukraine.

Ukraine's Energy Infrastructure

Recognizing the critical importance of a reliable energy infrastructure, especially during challenging times, we are privileged to contribute in our capacity. Our hope is that this gesture will have a positive impact, offering much-needed support to those who continue to face adversity with bravery and determination.

We express our deepest gratitude to British Ukrainian Aid for their partnership and unwavering commitment to making a difference. Together, we stand in solidarity with Ukraine, supporting their aspirations for peace, stability, and progress. 💙🤝

Stay tuned for updates as we follow the journey of our contribution and continue to stand by Ukraine during these challenging times.

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